I spent a number of years struggling with weight issues and I have tried more diets, exercise plans, pills, and programs than anyone I know. It seemed like regardless of what I did, my weight would always come back. I might lose a few pounds and get really excited but I was usually a lot being disappointed when the weight would come back, and often times I would gain even more weight than where I have started. All of these left me demotivated, discouraged, and still overweight. Well, as you can see I have now been able to get my weight issues under control. I am feeling great, looking great, and it has very literally changed every aspect of my life. I am the person that I want to be now. I’m doing this video as an opportunity to share some of the things that I have learned along the way with other woman. Because let’s face it, after 10 years of dieting and without it working, and then finally getting on the right track, I can certainly say I have learned a thing or two. The most important thing to always be taking with consideration is your health and safety. No matter how skinny you are, if you sacrificed your health to get there, you will never really achieve the results that you want. You might get temporary results but they won’t last and you will be a lot in getting the weight back and feeling horrible.

The goal is to be a happy and healthy person so make sure you keep that in mind. The second biggest challenge I was always faced with was motivation. If this is something you struggle with it, get strength to and knowing that you are not alone but, if you are going to be successful at weight loss, you need to keep yourself motivated at all times. A trick that helped me was that I took a picture of myself at my heaviest. I carry that picture around with me everywhere and any time I felt like eating a fattening food, I look at that picture, and I would ask myself this question, “Is this what I want to look like forever?” I still keep that photo with me now as a reminder. When it is low motivation to exercise, I use a similar tactic. I also carried a photo around of Gwyneth Paltrow, and no, I am not a weirdo. Why did I do this? Because I think she is gorgeous and I greatly admire her body. By looking at this picture, I was able to motivate myself to exercise because it reminded me of what I was working towards. Not that I ever looked like Gwyneth Paltrow but you get my idea. I hope that a few of these tips have helped you and I encouraged you to visit the link below in the description to start losing weight today. You won’t be disappointed.

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